Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Aiming for computer independence

I'm aiming for the ability to walk up to any Internet-connected computer in the world, running almost any kind of operating system and software, and be able to access all my important data. The toolkit at the moment:

* Gmail for email. That also has my address book, but only a snapshot that I've imported from my Palm Pilot. It would be better if I could synch the two, so that edit/add/delete in either place.
* and Bloglines for bookmarks to Web sites I use frequently and blogs I follow. What these don't have, of course, is the usernames/passwords I need to access some of these. I have to remember those.
* I can get to work email and all stored data at the office by going here and clicking on the "Anywhere" link. I need a SecureID gadget to use that, though, but I usually have that on me. I've tested this on Windows, Linux and the Mac.

What I still need:

* An online calendar and address book (see above) that I can synch with my Palm Pilot and share with my wife, Theresa. It would also be nice if I could synch that with the fairly broken online calendar at work. Still looking.