Saturday, July 30, 2005

Theresa's Excellent U.S. Adventure

Everett and Elaine, originally uploaded by Eamonn_Sullivan.

The photos from Theresa's recent to visit to the U.S. have finally been developed (she used a disposable camera instead of our digital one). The first batch is up on my Flickr page here. You can also just click on the picture above. The main event this year was her father's 85th birthday.
Hopefully we'll get more photos of the trip from Ailish, who spent a month in the U.S., when we meet here in Ireland tomorrow.

I'm going to attempt to do some mobile blogging during our holiday in Ireland for the next couple of weeks, using the camera phone. Don't expect much. So far I've discovered that Flickr and my phone (a Nokia 6230i) are barely on speaking terms. The headline and the photo get posted, but not the body of the message. This might just be a photo blog for a couple of weeks, though I'll probably also pop into an Internet cafe or two and fill in some details.

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